Season 2 - The importance of simplifying your message with Joel Marcus - Episode 20

Joel Marcus

Joel Marcus is a teacher, communicator, skilled editor and compliance professional with over 12 years of experience providing training, writing and preparing marketing materials and white papers, and reviewing research briefs, regulatory filings, and reports. His approach to improving communication is to promote accurate, clear and effective writing with consistent, compelling and well-defined messages.

He believes that no matter where we fit on the scale of wealth, fame or material success we all have chances to be kind and uplift others.

He has a great daughter who he has taught to value being: Nice, Truly Kind, Smart and Funny. His side business, The Advisor Voice consulting site, is about helping people be powerful and effective using their own natural voice when communicating their message.

His philosophy is that what makes us human is our ability to understand others' feelings and to recognize that we all want to feel happy and secure.

Show Notes: 

Joel Marcus
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