See Why The Top Industry Leaders Trust KAL ARAS 

Pamela Stambaugh

Pamela Stambaugh

President, aCCOUNTABILITY Pays

Kal Aras is a seeker of truth and good works. There's no other description so befitting of this brilliant engineering mind that also works the realm of spiritual enlightenment, embracing right and left brain brilliance and teaching through giving.  

Chad Barr

Chad Barr

Founder, the chad barr group

I was especially blown away by his powerful questions, professionalism, and style. I felt like talking to the Larry King of the business world! 

Larry DeAngelis

Larry DeAngelis


Kal's questions really made me take a step back and reflect on my career in totality - something that's hard to do when you're focused on the day to day battles.

Kal Aras is a Leadership keynote speaker, Author and a Technology Leader with 20+ years of corporate success with Fortune 500 companies. He is the executive producer/host of Wisdom of Friends - A popular podcast on iTunes - where he interviews world class leaders to elicit strategies and tactics on leadership and living a life of joy and fulfillment

Possessing a remarkable synthesis of communication, team management and leadership distinctions he is committed to helping teams harness the power of empowerment and accountability to positively transform organizations in an unpredictable work world.
He gives keynotes, on-site lectures and workshops for enterprises interested in leadership success from a global and immigrant perspective. His programs also includes private coaching and wisdom leadership retreats for upper management to tap into the superior financial benefits of culture, creativity and innovation within an organization is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


We offer a unique variety of live training events, WISDOM RETREATS and private mentorship



We all have a message that needs to get out into the world. And that message is, well, you. It’s you. You are the message.

The more you show up as your authentic, real self and help others with your skills and gifts, the better the world is.

In this 1-Day Intensive, we’ll dive deep into your life's journey; your through-line, your gifts; your audience, your messaging and offer, so by the end of the day you walk out with clarity and a vivid vision 



Gain a transformational shift in the paradigm of happiness.

Master the three key mindsets of elite performers for achieving harmony and experiencing flow

Learn the daily rituals of the happiest people on the planet to live life and prosper on your own terms by mastering the science of success and the art of fulfillment



A guided process of self-introspection and self awareness to craft your own strategies to master the science of success and the art of fulfillment

Learn practical tools to take ownership of your ability to experience joy, flow and peace of mind on demand

Create a blueprint for your legacy and impact on the world and more