
Season 7 - Creating Heart-Centered Profitable Businesses with Rose Harrow - Episode 65

For over 30 years Rose has coached and mentored business and professional change makers so that they can do well financially while making a difference in the world.

As past director of an international non-profit, she understands the challenges that large organizations face, and has a wide angle perspective of what it takes personally as well as professionally to run a business or organization. 

Her early education included the diverse interests of brain re-wiring, therapeutic massage, a degree in music composition, and a minor in social welfare.

Her love for people and her intuitive ability to zero in on core issues, make her equally at home chairing a meeting or coaching one to one, and seeing innovative solutions “outside the box.” 

As her “give back” she has coordinated national educational networks in the U.S. and Latin America.


The common thread through all of her life is that she believes that any mindful career can be a powerful spiritual path. If you desire to “change the world,” the process will call forth from you a level of growth and transformation that is deep and soul satisfying.  You will feel more like yourself than ever before.  

This journey requires special “real world” skills and systems in addition to passion, persistence and vision. 

Show Notes: Website, LinkedIn Profile

Rose Harrow

Rose Harrow

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