Season 9 - The Philosophy of Appropriateness with Elevia DeNobelia and Syl Sabastian - Episode 81

Elevia DeNobelia 

Elevia is like an Alice in Wonderland; a perpetual explorer. Her curiosity informs and instigates her journey.    

Elevia’s origins lie in simple but sublime beginnings. In the midst of what others would describe as trying circumstances, she made the most of her wonderful family life, developing a solid foundation of sturdy character. A focus she has spent her life extending and refining.

From unusual relationships, living in a desert without electricity and running water and no close neighbours, having restaurants, one on top of a mountain, close interactions with a tribe of Bushmen, owning and running retail stores, to leaving it all behind to start over on a new continent with many attendant adventures too numerous to mention, Elevia’s perpetual focus on learning and growth has served her well. Always everything to her was all under the umbrella focus of Self-Discovery and the Application of her continual learning. Each circumstance and situation adding volumes to her personal story and internal growth.

Ever the lover of knowledge and personal development, Elevia set about engaging the world with the totality of her being. Everything she does, has done, has that component of developing and furthering her Awareness, Discernment and Understanding. 

Syl Sebastian

A Philosopher-Writer focusing on the Application of a comprehensive Practical-Personal-Philosophy. Creator of: The Philosophy of Appropriateness

From age 10, on the day he literally exploded a light-bulb, Syl Sabastian’s acute life-long love affair with Understanding began. Since then his focus on, and love of Awareness, or more accurately his struggle with non-awareness, has never let-up.

An intense reader in his youth, Syl absorbed over a book a day, including the classics read in chronological order, culminating in extensive science-fiction/fantasy/speculative reading. After transitioning to Applying and Living his philosophies, Appropriately, with Attunement the ever-present motivation and catalyst, it all morphed in time to an earnest propensity to write and communicate.

Syl and His Heart have owned restaurants, stores, online businesses, and travelled the world, while implementing and enjoying their life-perspectives of which he writes so deeply. As Biella is so fond of saying, "and there's More..."

Often offering multiple sides of an argument, he provokes self-introspection. His aim is to uncover Appropriateness, Awareness, Attention, Application, Attunement, and more, with a unique, high-level understanding of the profound intricacies that interlace these concepts

Show Notes:

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