Wisdom of Friends with Kal Aras

Season 1 - Healing Cancer and a Commitment to Thrive with Jemma Brown - Bonus Episode 12

Jemma Brown

Jemma Brown is an independent graphic designer, avid salsa dancer and health nut. She also founded a group called the Seattle Super Huggers, in hopes of healing people one hug at a time! 

Currently she is celebrating 11 years cancer -free after having stage 4 cancer not once, but twice! Jemma is passionate about health, well being, and loves sharing a wealth of knowledge on the subject as well as helping people connect to the best resources who can help outside of her scope.

Show Notes:

Jemma Brown

Jemma Brown

Healing Cancer and a Commitment to Thrive with Jemma Brown - Bonus Episode 12
Jemma Brown with Kal Aras
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